Title: Crafty Elves
SKU # 22137
Description: In Santa’s Wonderland, some of the Crafty Elves are hard at work getting lots of favorite Christmas treats ready in time for the big day. Measuring 4.6cm at their tallest point, these figures are truly miniature, as all good elves should be! From making wreaths to creating gingerbread man bunting, and strings of popcorn, it’s all going on here! We’re not sure how much help the cure kitty is being, though!
Approx. size (H x W x D)
1.81 x 0.00 x 0.00 inches
4.6 x 0 x 0 cm - Year Released: 2022
- Made of: Resin
- Product type: Figurines
- Electrical: Non-Electrical
- Village: Santas Wonderland